Cp-s05box Wiki
SWF Tricks
2021 notice:
To avoid Adobe from blocking flash rendering, set your computer time to 2020 or earlier while decompiling and/or rendering swf files as a temporary fix.

Emoticons are stored in Club Penguin's Interface SWF. In order to extract an emoticon, follow the instructions on this page.

Extract an emoticon[]

Faces emoticons[]

  1. Open the Interface file in Trillix.
  2. Go to the sprites list. locate the sprite for the smile emoticon.
  3. On the left of the list item for that sprite, there would be a + mark. Press it.
  4. A list of frames for each face emoticon would appear. Locate the frame for your emoticon, and extract it.
    • Note: you can also extract the Sprite file that contains the frame, open it in the browser, right click the swf file, then navigate between the frames using Forward/Back/Rewind/Play.

Other emoticons[]

  1. Open the Interface file in SwfModify or Trillix.
  2. Locate the Shape or Sprite (Movie Clip if you opened it with SwfModify) of the needed emoticon.
  3. Extract it.

Converting to PNG[]

Follow the SWF to PNG tutorial for instructions.

Browser Displaying[]

You can also display the emoticon in the browser. This is meainly easy if the emote does not have a containing Shape/Sprite resource, and it's made from several shapes.
Some CSS can be used to enlarge the emoticon, more than the traditional "zoom in" of SWF files allow. For instance, setting the width and height attributes of the containing <embed> element to the width and height of the screen, and setting the zoom CSS property to a number like 2.5, allows you to make the emoticon larger, and then take a screenshot of it.
Here's a JavaScript code that allows you to do that easily (via your js console):

(function() {
	var a = document.embeds[0];
	a.width = screen.availWidth;
	a.height = screen.availHeight;
	a.style.zoom = 2.5;


For animated animations, use Kurst SWF Renderer, and by setting the following values:

  • Content scale- any.
  • Seconds- 1 (or more if it's a longer animation).
  • Frame rate- the number of frames in the animation +1. If you're not sure how many animations exist, set it to a value like 20 (or more), and delete the duplicated exported PNG images, and also delete images if the animation has repeated itself and newer PNG images are duplicate of the former animation played.

Then, combine the frames in an image editor (like GIMP or Photoshop), place the PNG images on top of one another in different layers (where the bottom layer is for the first frame), save as GIF and select to save as animation that repeats itself (selecto to replace layers).

An animation can also be done this way using a screen recorder, and then converting the output to GIF and saving.
